Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED017037 Small group work and group dynamics. caps current resources series 1
ED017038 Pupil personnel services. caps current resources series 1
ED017039 School district organization for the 1970's 1
ED017040 Knowledge production and utilization in contemporary organizations 1
ED017041 Social psychological factors in knowledge utilization as applied to educational administration 1
ED017042 Salado conference (salado, Texas, May 18, 1967). report 1
ED017043 A study of the development of international intercultural schools in western europe from 1918 to 1966. final report 1
ED017044 Education through vision. final report 1
ED017045 Conference on curriculum and instruction development in art education a project report / 1
ED017046 Teachers, school boards, and collective bargaining a changing of the guard / 1
ED017048 A study of social facilitation during programmed instruction. final report 1
ED017049 Research seminar in higher education and society. first interim report 1
ED017050 Departmentalization vs graded classroom organization in the elementary school (grades 1-7), abstracts of research pertaining to 1
ED017051 Effective use of teacher time in the elementary school teaching assistant, teacher aides, etc., abstracts of research pertaining to / 1
ED017052 New directions in art education, report of the international symposium (belgrade, yugoslavia, July 27-29, 1966). final report 1
ED017053 The development of a facilitative environment for learning and research through r and i units in the secondary school, 1966-1967 1
ED017054 The structure and process of school-community relations. volume i, informal communication about schools 1
ED017055 The structure and process of school-community relations. volume ii, between citizens and schools 1
ED017056 The structure and process of school-community relations. volume iii, the structure of school-community relations 1