Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED017120 Space for audio-visual large group instruction 1
ED017121 The computer and the architectural profession 1
ED017122 State of New York standard school plan type d-2, one-story junior-senior high school 1000 expandable to 1200 pupils 1
ED017123 State of New York standard school plan type d-3, two-story junior-senior high school 1000 expandable to 1200 pupils 1
ED017124 The critical-path method of construction control 1
ED017125 Improving the school environment 1
ED017126 Educational television bibliography 1
ED017127 The planning and construction of Louisiana school buildings 1
ED017130 School environment, guide, law and regulations 1
ED017131 Asphalt for off-street paving and play areas, 3rd edition 1
ED017132 A factual approach to 2500 mc 1
ED017135 Minimum check list for mechanical plans and specifications 1
ED017136 Agricultural mechanics instruction in secondary schools in Mississippi, the laboratory-work area approach 1
ED017137 Planning guide for 2500 megacycle instructional television service 1
ED017138 School lunch, suggested guides for selecting large equipment 1
ED017139 Recommendations for school health service unit with suggested plans 1
ED017140 Architecture and equipment for the language laboratory 1
ED017141 Research designed to improve institutions of higher learning 1
ED017142 California's needs for additional centers of public higher education 1
ED017143 Laboratory design considerations for safety 1