Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED017642 The South Dakota secondary school dropout population, 1963-1964 1
ED017644 A study of non-farm agricultural occupations in Kansas 1
ED017645 Business education standards 1
ED017646 Detroit study of the effectiveness of high school education for entrance into the world of work 1
ED017647 A follow-up study of a sample of trainees from the mayor's youth employment project 1
ED017648 A look at education for work in the Omaha public schools 1
ED017649 An experimental program designed to promote a greater interest in fulfilling latent potential in underachieving high school boys through goal identification. summary report 1
ED017650 Liberal orientations for vocational teaching 1
ED017651 Selected instructional materials for distributive education 1
ED017652 Agricultural occupations other than farming in Missouri 1
ED017653 Office machines used in business today, an annotated and classified bibliography for the years 1938 through 1964 1
ED017654 Programmed learning in extension training, a comparison of the effectiveness of programmed self-instruction and workshop instruction 1
ED017655 Disabilities in Oklahoma estimates and projections, report of the Oklahoma survey of disabilities / 1
ED017656 Pathways to health careers, exploring health occupations and professions 1
ED017657 Medical record technology, a course of study designed for cooperative part-time students employed in medical record libraries 1
ED017658 Research in vocational education 1
ED017660 Electronic business data processing peripheral equipment occupations, suggested curricula 1
ED017661 Mechanical technology, design and production, suggested technIQues for determining courses of study in vocational education programs 1
ED017662 Planning for the year, the unit, the daily lesson 1
ED017663 Numerical control of machine tools, an instructor's guide 1