Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED018878 Formal grievance procedures for public-school teachers, 1965-66 1
ED018882 Effects of overtraining on reversal and nonreversal shifts in normal and retarded children. final report 1
ED018883 The relationship of vocational outlook and special educational programs for adolescent educable mentally handicapped 1
ED018884 A report of a symposium on manpower development and training in the field of mental retardation, annual meeting of the American association on mental deficiency (Chicago, Illinois, May 11, 1966) 1
ED018886 A study of diagnostic services for brain-injured children 1
ED018887 Experimental analysis of reinforcer hierarchies in developmental retardates baseline stablization / 1
ED018888 Report of special on-the-job training for mentally retarded youth and adults 1
ED018889 The value of mobility instruction as a technIQue to motivate blind individuals 1
ED018891 Guidelines for special education advisory committees 1
ED018892 Persistence of emotional disturbance reported among second and fourth grade children. interim report no. 1 1
ED018894 Delaware public schools and mental health, a digest of the final report of the committee studying mental health in the public schools, 1958-63 1
ED018897 Project re-ed, a demonstration project for the reeducation of emotionally disturbed children 1
ED018898 Studying learning patterns in mental retardates 1
ED018899 Studies of gifted children completed by students at the university of Kansas. Kansas studies in education, volume 17, number 1 1
ED018900 Potential creative ability and the preschool child 1
ED018911 Treatment of stammering through the use of a new electronic device 1
ED018912 Hunter college observation television center catalogue 67 1
ED018913 A pilot study comparing the block system and the intermittent system of scheduling speech correction cases in the public schools 1
ED018916 A review of selected program activities in the education of the deaf 1
ED018917 New technIQues in diagnosis and appraisal and implication for therapy for all public school children with communication disorders, proceedings of a special study institute (October 4-6, 1967, Montgomery, Alabama) 1