Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED019663 On the nature of speech science 1
ED019664 Creole studies 1
ED019665 On the literary language in China and Japan. preliminary translations of selected works in sociolinguistics, number v 1
ED019666 Learn Japanese elementary school text, volume ii / 1
ED019667 Distinctive feature theory and nasal assimilation in Spanish 1
ED019668 Construction of an algorithm for stem recognition in the hebrew language. application of hebrew morphology to computer technIQues for investigation of word roots 1
ED019669 The thread of discourse 1
ED019674 A developmental study of the effect of relationships between words on a memory task 1
ED019675 Selected list of materials for teachers of English to speakers of other languages 1
ED019676 Differences in the language of negro and white grade-school children 1,2 1
ED019678 A longitudinal study of behavior norms and some of their ramifications in a small liberal arts college 1
ED019680 Social comparison, self-consistency and the presentation of self 1
ED019681 Prediction of divergent thinking and creative performance over a four-year period a longitudinal study / 1
ED019682 Work inhibition and rehabilitation. part i work involvement and self-perceptions of ex-psychiatric patients, an exploratory study / 1
ED019684 Quest for compensatory education in the state of Hawaii 1
ED019685 Socialization of the younger psychiatric patient the community and the hospital-a dual responsibility / 1
ED019686 Intelligence, personality and achievement 1
ED019687 Client-counselor compatibility and the effectiveness of counseling. final report 1
ED019688 The study of the university as a model for community mental health 1
ED019689 An interdisciplinary program for unwed pregnant adolescents. a progress report 1