Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED019641 Some determinants of stylistic phonological variations 1
ED019642 Decodage de la chaine parlee et apprentissage des langues (speech decoding and language learning) 1
ED019643 Graded readings in modern literary telugu preliminary edition / 1
ED019644 Graded readings in newspaper telugu preliminary edition / 1
ED019645 Glossaries for graded readings in newspaper telugu and modern literary telugu preliminary edition / 1
ED019646 Materials for elementary readings in modern telugu, preliminary version 1
ED019648 On the syntax of word-derivation in English. information system language studies number sixteen 1
ED019649 English stresses and Chinese tones in Chinese sentences 1
ED019650 Universe-scope relations and Mandarin noun phrases 1
ED019651 Computational sociolinguistics 1
ED019653 National and regional language diversity 1
ED019654 Proposal for a center for language behavior research 1
ED019655 Universality and evolution of basic color terms. working paper number 1 1
ED019656 Sociolinguistics 1
ED019657 Some social determinants of verbal behavior. working paper number 4 1
ED019658 Chinese language instruction in Tucson public schools independent study / 1
ED019659 Non-grammatical apophony in English 1
ED019660 On the psychophonological structure of English inflectional rules 1
ED019661 Introductory urdu. volume i (phonology, script, and grammar) 1
ED019662 Introductory urdu. volume ii (texts and glossary) 1