Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED019910 The use of the language laboratory to teach the reading lesson 1
ED019911 Terminal revision of the allp-ii programmed Spanish language course 1
ED019912 Survey of french iii and Spanish iii students not planning to study french iv or Spanish iv 1
ED019913 French education 1
ED019914 International exchange 1967 1
ED019916 Culture in the foreign language classroom 1
ED019917 Dial access information retrieval systems, circa 1967 / 1
ED019918 New directions in the teaching of portuguese 1
ED019919 Undergraduate mfl teacher-training in liberal arts colleges a survey / 1
ED019921 Full-time equivalent operating costs 1
ED019922 Superior teaching in junior colleges research needed / 1
ED019923 Report of the committee appointed by the minister for education and science to investigate the proposal to establish a college of advanced education at bathurst. volumes i and ii 1
ED019924 A survey of evening college administration practices in California junior colleges 1
ED019926 Proceedings of the statewide junior college conference (2nd, peoria, November 16-18, 1967) 1
ED019927 An investigation of readability levels of junior college faculty handbooks 1
ED019928 Proceedings of the annual meeting of the southern association of colleges and schools (72nd, Dallas, November 1967) 1
ED019929 Pretechnical post high school programs, a suggested guide. technical education program series, number 12 1
ED019930 Junior college administrative conference (Arizona State University, December 6-7, 1967) 1
ED019932 In what shape is your community college 1
ED019933 The internship an innovative approach to providing continuing leadership for North Carolina's community colleges / 1