Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED020071 What happens to children in the transition from a predominantly rural economy to modern industrialization 1
ED020072 Purposeful recreation for personal growth in rural areas, the education-extension role 1
ED020073 State and county planning of a program of services for a county schools office 1
ED020074 The final report of the institute for advanced study in reading for teams of principals and teachers, grades 7-12, conducted at New Mexico State University 1
ED020075 Teaching literature and reading simultaneously, ninth grade English 1
ED020076 Language arts curriculum guide for the model developmental reading school 1
ED020077 Development of an individualized reading program for the second grade 1
ED020079 Using individualized reading as a diagnostic technIQue 1
ED020080 Relation of first grade reading and composition 1
ED020081 Use of the Illinois test of psycholinguistic abilities as a readiness measure 1
ED020082 Reading tests and teachers 1
ED020083 Dyslexia is there such a thing / 1
ED020085 School entrance variables and later achievement and personality 1
ED020086 A reading program for gifted children in the primary grades 1
ED020087 Speed reading is the present emphasis desirable / 1
ED020088 Overview of the national picture title i / 1
ED020089 Retention in reading of disadvantaged Mexican-American children during the summer months 1
ED020090 Creative reading 1
ED020091 A "talking book" system of teaching beginning reading. final report 1