Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED020792 Regional evaluation and research center for head start, southern university. annual report 1
ED020793 Head start research and evaluation office, university of California at los Angeles. appendix i to the annual report, November 1967 1
ED020794 An evaluation and follow-up study of summer 1966 head start children in Washington, d.c 1
ED020797 Variables affecting the performance of young children on a letter discrimination task 1
ED020798 Grade equivalent comparisons between disadvantaged negro urban children with and without kindergarten experience when taught to read by several methods 1
ED020800 Team teaching in elementary grades 1
ED020801 Age of entrance into the first grade as related to arithmetic achievement 1
ED020802 Making waves, Denver head start 1
ED020803 Response to varying levels of conditioning rewards. final report 1
ED020804 Study to determine the feasibility of adapting the carl orff approach to elementary schools in America. final report 1
ED020805 The teaching of inquiry skills to elementary school children. final report 1
ED020806 Parents' evaluation of the head start program in the Milwaukee public schools 1
ED020807 Home education livelihood program in New Mexico for underemployed seasonal agriculture workers 1
ED020808 Report on conferences on special educational programs for migratory children of migratory agricultural workers 1
ED020809 Selected references on migrant children's education 1
ED020810 Cowboys, Indians, and American education 1
ED020811 Rural in-migration and urban assimilation 1
ED020812 Eau claire county study, phase ii 1964-65 1
ED020813 Recent trends in educational status of Mexican-Americans in Texas 1
ED020814 Delinquency prone youth longitudinal and preventive research, eau claire county youth study, phase iii, 1965-68 / 1