Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED024726 Negro Californians Population, Employment, Income, Education (and Supplement) 1
ED024727 The Treatment of Minorities Guidelines for Textbook Selection. 1
ED024728 Development First Year Evaluation of the Model School Division, District of Columbia Public Schools, Washington, D.C., 1965-1966. 1
ED024729 Evaluation of the Program Events Facet of the Cultural Enrichment Project Summary of Project Evaluation (ESEA, Title I) 1
ED024730 An Act to Amend the Education Law, the New York City Charter and the New York City Administrative Code, in Relation to Establishing a Community School System 1
ED024731 Pupil Migration in the New York City Public Schools, 1956-1957 to 1965-1966 1
ED024732 Teaching Reading to Disadvantaged Children Enrolled in a Title I Summer Reading Project 1
ED024733 Project SEAR A Systematic Effort to Analyze Results. Task Force Report. 1
ED024734 Report of the Westside Workshop on Teacher Training and Curriculum Adaptation in the Inner City An Institute to Help Teachers Develop and Adapt Instructional Materials..., February, 1966 - February, 1967 / 1
ED024735 Education for the Culturally Disadvantaged Proceedings of the National Conference on Educational Objectives for the Culturally Disadvantaged. 1
ED024736 Report of In-Service Institute for Selected Professional Personnel of Three School Districts El Dorado, Smackover and Sparkman Concerning Problems of School Desegregation. 1
ED024737 Project for the Inservice Preparation of Teachers for the Desegregation of Selected School Faculties Through the Implementation of Team Teaching. Technical Progress Report, April 1, 1967 through June 30, 1967 1
ED024738 Negro History and Culture in the Changing Curriculum 1
ED024739 The Centre Program for Project Opportunity 1
ED024740 Papers Prepared for National Conference on Equal Educational Opportunity in America's Cities (Washington, D.C., November 16-18, 1967) 1
ED024742 Mental Abilities in Cross-Cultural Context 1
ED024743 Summary of Proposed Programs 1967-68 Title I Elementary and Secondary Education Act / 1
ED024745 Characteristics of Negro and White High-School Students Prior to Desegregation A Study of Negro Students' Freedom of Choice. Final Report / 1
ED024746 Measuring the Contribution of the Arts in the Education of Disadvantaged Children. Final Report 1
ED024747 A Historical and Social Perspective on Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka with Present and Future Implications. Final Report 1