Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED028418 Cultural Sensitivity Training for the Teacher of Spanish-Speaking Children 1
ED028420 Selected TESOL Developments in A.I.D.'s Assistance to Southeast Asia 1
ED028421 The Function of Repetition in Child Language as Part of an Integrated Theory of Developmental Linguistics 1
ED028422 Linguistic Universals, Deep Structure, and English as a Second Language 1
ED028423 A Study of the Non-Standard English of Negro and Puerto Rican Speakers in New York City. Volume I : Phonological and Grammatical Analysis / 1
ED028424 A Study of the Non-Standard English of Negro and Puerto Rican Speakers in New York City. Volume II The Use of Language in the Speech Community / 1
ED028426 An Introductory Course in Ga. Final Report 1
ED028427 What Classroom Teachers Should Know About Bilingual Education 1
ED028428 Interpretive Studies on Bilingual Education. Final Report 1
ED028429 Administration of Bilingual Education 1
ED028430 Facilitation of Language and Literacy Development through Intensive Auditory Perceptual Training 1
ED028432 Synthetic Intonation 1
ED028433 Semantics, Phrase Structure and Age as Variables in Sentence Recall 1
ED028434 Phonetic Symbolism in Adult Native Speakers of English Three Studies / 1
ED028435 The Recall of Verbal Material Accompanying Semantically Well-Integrated and Semantically Poorly-Integrated Sentences 1
ED028436 Psycholinguistic Attitude Study 1
ED028437 Communicability of Verbal Behavior in Schizophrenic Patients and Its Relationship to Current Psycholinguistic Threory 1
ED028438 Learning a Language in the Field Problems of Linguistic Relativity / 1
ED028439 Psychological Variables and Ability to Pronounce a Second Language 1
ED028440 Intonation, Scientism, and "Archetypality" 1