Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED029925 Bus Transportation to Places of Civic and Cultural Interest in New York City for Disadvantaged Pupils in Nonpublic Schools Evaluation of New York City Title I Educational Projects 1966-67 / 1
ED029926 A Special Enrichment Program of Quality Integrated Education for Schools in Transitional Areas. Evaluation of New York City Title I Educational Projects 1966-67 1
ED029927 Teaching Culturally Disadvantaged Pupils (Grades K-12). Unit I: The Culturally Disadvantaged Pupil Part I; Unit II: The Culturally Disadvantaged Student--Part II / 1
ED029928 Teaching Culturally Disadvantaged Pupils (Grades K-12). Unit III The Culturally Disadvantaged Negro Student / 1
ED029929 Teaching Culturally Disadvantaged Pupils (Grades K-12). Unit VIII Improving the Reading and Writing Skills of Culturally Disadvantaged Students / 1
ED029930 Teaching Culturally Disadvantaged Pupils (Grades K-12). Unit VII Improving Language Skills of the Culturally Disadvantaged / 1
ED029931 Teaching Culturally Disadvantaged Pupils (Grades K-12). Unit V: Teaching the Culturally Disadvantaged Student Part I / 1
ED029932 Teaching Culturally Disadvantaged Pupils (Grades K-12). Unit IV The Culturally Disadvantaged Mexican-American, Puerto Rican, Caucasian, and American Indian Pupil / 1
ED029933 Teaching Culturally Disadvantaged Pupils (Grades K-12). Unit VI: Teaching the Culturally Disadvantaged Student Part II / 1
ED029934 Dreams and Visions Title I Projects for 1967-1968. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 / 1
ED029935 A Selected ERIC Bibliography on the Education of Urban American Indian and Mexican American Children. ERIC-IRCD Urban Disadvantaged Series, Number 5 1
ED029936 Educational Services for Socially Maladjusted Pupils in Selected Institutional Schools. Evaluation of New York City Title I Educational Projects 1966-67 1
ED029937 Increasing Human Potential Through Educational Change Proceedings of Wisconsin Interagency Conference on the Educationally Deprived, November 21-23, 1968 / 1
ED029938 Educational Enrichment for Disadvantaged Inschool Neighborhood Youth Corps Enrollees During the Summer 1967. Evaluation of New York City Title I Educational Projects 1966-67 1
ED029939 A Research Report on New Brunswick School Drop-Outs in the Academic Year 1963-1964 1
ED029940 Yale Summer High School Report of the Director, 1965 Session / 1
ED029941 Vocational Training in Norway 1
ED029942 Education and Training, Expanding the Choices. 5th Annual Report to the Congress on Training Activities 1
ED029943 Planning Occupational Education and Training for Development 1
ED029944 Study of Nurse Education Needs in the Southern New York Region 1