Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED075101 Emphasis Identification / 1
ED075102 Emphasis Prescription / 1
ED075103 Emphasis Prevention / 1
ED075104 Socialization of Young Children An Abstract Bibliography / 1
ED075105 Status Consistency of the Projected Frames of Reference of Rural Males 1
ED075106 A Bilingual Approach Education for Understanding. Leadership Report. 1
ED075107 Survey of Minority Participation on Michigan Newspapers and in Michigan Schools of Journalism. Research Report No. 8 1
ED075109 The Proposed Transfer of the Indian Bureau to the Department of War 1
ED075112 Rural Development: 1971 A Year of Listening and Watching the Development of the Growing Consensus that Something Must be Done for the People of the American Countryside. 1
ED075114 Agua Arriba Up the Stream. 1
ED075115 An Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Program in an Elementary Teacher-Education Curriculum 1
ED075116 Individualization of Instruction The American Indian Student. Education Monograph No. 7 / 1
ED075117 Mexican American Youth and Vocational Education in Texas Summary and Recommendations / 1
ED075118 Trends in Teacher Education. Number 12, Trends in the Ruralization of Primary School Curriculum in the Seventies and the Role of Teacher Education Institutions in Asian Countries 1
ED075119 Education for the Rural Disadvantaged Summary of Findings and Conclusions of an Experimental Study. Research Report / 1
ED075120 A Teachers' Guide for the Outdoor School Program 1
ED075121 American Indian Education, A Selected Bibliography (with ERIC Abstracts). ERIC CRESS Supplement No. 3. 1
ED075124 Linkages of Mexico and the United States. Study Based on Modified Probability Samples of Rural Michigan, the U.S. General Public, Spanish-speaking Latinos of the Southwestern United States, Urban Mexico, and Rural Mexico 1
ED075125 Assessing Knowledge of Cultures 1
ED075126 Mexican-American Self-Concept and Educational Achievement The Effects of Ethnic Isolation and Socio-Economic Deprivation / 1