Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED119690 The Viability of "Extrarationality" as a Framework for Educational Policy Analysis 1
ED119691 The Effects of TV Formats on Mental Skills 1
ED119692 AECT Research Abstracts, 1976. Prepared for the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Meeting (Anaheim, California, March 29 through April 2. 1976) 1
ED119693 A Delphic Exploration of the Future of Educational Media 1
ED119694 WISE Search Program Reference Manual for the 1110 1
ED119695 Videotaped Commitment Influence on Subsequent Student Attitude and Achievement / 1
ED119696 Toward a Definition of Resource Based Learning 1
ED119697 Public Law 94-192, 94th Congress, H. R. 6461. An Act to Amend Certain Provisions of the Communications Act of 1934 to Provide Long-term Financing for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and for Other Purposes 1
ED119698 The ERIC At Stanford Newsletter, 1968 1
ED119699 The ERIC At Stanford Newsletter, 1969 1
ED119700 The ERIC At Stanford Newsletter, 1970 1
ED119701 The ERIC At Stanford Newsletter, 1971 1
ED119702 The ERIC At Stanford Newsletter, 1972 1
ED119703 The ERIC At Stanford Newsletter, 1973 1
ED119704 The ERIC at Stanford Newsletter, 1974 1
ED119705 The ERIC At Stanford Newsletter, 1975 1
ED119711 Summary of the Formative Evaluation Report of Self Incorporated Programs 1
ED119712 Formative Evaluation Report of Self Incorporated Programs 1
ED119713 CVRP Patch Panel The Newsletter of the California Video Resource Project. No. 8 / 1
ED119714 Neuf Experiences de Television Educative Dans le Monde Etude Comparee. (Nine Models for Educational Television Based Upon International Experiments; and Implications for Creating Jobs) / 1