Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED132912 A Report on the Survey of Foreign Students 1
ED132913 Leniency, Learning, and Evaluations / 1
ED132914 The Council and Accountability to the Community 1
ED132915 The Impact of Boston-Area Colleges and Universities on the Local Economy. 1
ED132916 Assessing Institutional Capacity Some Considerations from the Craftlore of Organized Social Research / 1
ED132917 Idaho Postsecondary Education Opportunities. Survey Report 1
ED132918 University Services to State Government Representative Approaches in Southern States / 1
ED132919 Accreditation and Institutional Eligibility. ERIC Higher Education Research Report No. 9 / 1
ED132920 Proceedings of the Higher Education Colloquium 1
ED132921 From the Ground Up...A Construction Manual for Institutions of Higher Learning Prepared for the New Hampshire Higher Education Facilities Commission 1
ED132922 Who Wants Outcome Measures and Why Do They Want Them? 1
ED132923 Synthesis of the Keystone Workshop for State Licensing and Approving Officials 1
ED132924 Legislative Review War, Peace, or Armed Truce? / 1
ED132925 Introducing Higher Education Outcome Information into the State Planning and Budgeting Process 1
ED132926 The Impact of the Commonwealth of Virginia's State Supported Colleges and Universities Academic Tenure and Faculty Activity Study Conducted by the State Council of Higher Education on the University of Virginia 1
ED132927 Geographic Origins of First-Time Students. Fall 1975. Report No. 3-76A 1
ED132928 Report on Teaching 3. Change Magazine, Volume 9 Number 1. 1
ED132929 George Mason University Faculty Handbook, 1977-78 1
ED132930 Regents External Degrees. College Proficiency Examinations 1
ED132931 A Guide to Postsecondary Institutions for Implementation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended 1