Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED136979 Health Needs Survey Indiana County, Pennsylvania, Summer 1975. Rural Health Staff Papers - Paper No. 12 / 1
ED136980 The Effects of Sesame Street in Isolated Communities 1
ED136981 The Development of an Analytical Community Typology for Rural Canadian Communities as a Basis for Institutional Program Planning 1
ED136983 From Respectable Poor Families to a Culture of Rural Poverty 1
ED136984 Chicanos in Higher Education Status and Issues. Chicano Studies Center Publication, Monograph No. 7 / 1
ED136985 Residence as a Factor in Longevity A Study of Louisianians / 1
ED136986 Longevity Trends in the Older Population of Louisiana with Residence Comparisons 1
ED136987 Aberdeen Area Final Evaluation Report, ESEA Title I Projects, Fiscal Year 1976 1
ED136989 Indian Child Welfare A State-of-the-Field Study. Summary of Findings and Discussion of Policy Implications. 1
ED136990 The Indian Education Act Reformation in Progress. 1
ED136991 Attraction of Youth to the Professions The Process of Goal Identification / 1
ED136992 Intensity of Aspirations in Adult Households and Its Relation to Household Status Attainment 1
ED136994 Native American Fishing Hunting Rights: An Annotated Bibliography / 1
ED136995 Labor Markets in the Rural South A Study Based on Four Rural Southern Counties / 1
ED136996 Age, Health and Culture An Examination of Health Among Spanish-Speaking Elderly / 1
ED136997 Educational Needs of Rural Women and Girls. Report of the National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs (January 1977) 1
ED136998 A Study of the Effects a Residential Outdoor Education Experience Had on Adults Who Attended a Program in Rockford as Students in 1963 and 1966 1
ED136999 The Occupational and Educational Aspirations and Plans of Rural Kentucky High School Seniors. Sociology RS-50, July 1976 / 1
ED137000 Monographs on the Rural Community in Poland 1
ED137001 The Spanish Origin Elderly A Demographic Survey, 1970-75 / 1