Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED137253 Teacher Competencies Now and Then. What is the Relationship? / 1
ED137254 Language Arts Component Module Descriptions as of April 1, 1974 1
ED137255 Generic Competencies Component Module Descriptions as of April 1, 1974 1
ED137256 Teacher-Designed Reform in Inservice Education. Final Report 1
ED137257 On-Site Clinical Experience in Pre-Service Teacher Education / 1
ED137258 A Portrait of the American Teacher. Options in Education. Program No. 62 1
ED137259 Portrait of the American Teacher. Part 2. Options in Education. Program No. 63 1
ED137260 Portrait of the American Teacher. Part 3. Options in Education. Program No. 64 1
ED137261 Down From the Ivory Tower A Model of Collaborative In-Service Education. Occasional Paper No. 16 / 1
ED137262 The Teacher and the Teaching Profession - An Ecological Adaptation 1
ED137263 Motivating Secondary School Students 1
ED137264 Association for Research of Education Annual Report, 1975 1
ED137265 A Comparison of Nepalese and U.S. Classroom Behaviors 1
ED137266 Implications of Research on Causal Attributions for Curriculum Development 1
ED137268 Talent and Tomorrow's Teachers The Honors Approach. New Dimensions in Higher Education: Number 11 / 1
ED137269 Equating Performance of Students Enrolled in On-Campus and Off-Campus Sections of an Educational Research Course 1
ED137270 Autobiography as an Enhancement of the Relationship Between Student and Cooperating Teacher 1
ED137271 The Nature of the Relationship Between Cooperating Teacher Behavior and Student Teacher Classroom Performance 1
ED137272 The Impact of "Learning for Mastery" Instruction on Classroom Cohesion 1
ED137273 The Proposed Elementary Teacher Education Program, N-6 1