Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED146164 Prolegomenon on the Concept of Appropriateness of Instruction. Beginning Teacher Evaluation Study. Technical Report IV-1, Phase III A Continuation / 1
ED146165 An Overview of Goals and Models. Improving Learning Opportunities. IMPACT Series, No. 1 1
ED146166 Diagnostic-Prescriptive Instruction. Improving Learning Opportunities IMPACT Series, No. 2. 1
ED146167 Contracting A New Team Approach. Improving Learning Opportunities: IMPACT Series, No. 3. 1
ED146168 Inservice Innovations. Improving Learning Opportunities IMPACT Series, No. 5. 1
ED146169 School-Community-University Collaborative Decision Making. Improving Learning Opportunities: IMPACT Series, No. 6. 1
ED146170 Educational Models We Recommend. Improving Learning Opportunities IMPACT Series, No. 7. 1
ED146171 Research Findings. Improving Learning Opportunities IMPACT Series, No. 8. 1
ED146172 Two Delphi Based Approaches to the Establishment of Valid Competencies for Teachers Ranking and Factor Analysis / 1
ED146173 Consortium on Methodology for Aggregating Data in Educational Research. Final Report 1
ED146174 Validating an Affective Assessment Questionnaire for Statewide Educational Needs Assessment 1
ED146175 Experimental and Research Activities in Finland 1
ED146176 Lincoln Public Schools Instructional Services Position Paper on Assessment 1
ED146177 Measuring Intelligence and Achievement Motivation in Surveys. Final Report to U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Office of Economic Opportunity 1
ED146178 Measuring Intelligence and Achievement Motivation in Surveys. Appendices 1 and 2. Describing Measures Used in the Final Report to U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Economic Opportunity 1
ED146179 Measuring Intelligence and Achievement Motivation in Surveys. Appendices 3-6. Describing Research Findings Supplementary to the Final Report to U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Economic Opportunity 1
ED146180 COPE A Systematic Approach to the Evaluation of Academic Departments / 1
ED146181 The U.S. Primary and Secondary Educational Process. Final Draft 1
ED146182 The Sample for the Sustaining Effects Study and Projections of its Characteristic to the National Population. Technical Report No. 1 from the Study of Sustaining Effects of Compensatory Education on Basic Skills 1
ED146183 The Sample for the Sustaining Effects Study and Projections of its Characteristics to the National Population. Overview of Technical Report No. 1 from the Study of the Sustaining Effects of Compensatory Education on Basic Skills 1