Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED148135 Les Moyens Audio-Visuels et la Strategie Pedagogique (Audiovisual Methods and Pedagogical Strategy). Melanges Pedagogiques, 1971 1
ED148136 Analyse Factorielle d'une Batterie de Tests de Comprehension Orale et Ecrite (Factor Analysis of a Battery of Tests of Listening and Reading Comprehension). Melanges Pedagogiques, 1971 1
ED148137 Impasses and Reversals in Foreign Language Instruction. Melanges Pedagogiques, 1971 1
ED148138 Une Experience C.R.A.P.E.L. (An Experience at C.R.A.P.E.L.). Melanges Pedagogiques, 1972 1
ED148139 Preparation a l'Autonomie en Expression Orale. (Preparation for Autonomy in Oral Communication). Melanges Pedagogiques, 1972 1
ED148140 Reflexions sur un Cours de Langue pour Debutants (Refections on a Language Course for Beginners). Melanges Pedagogiques, 1972 1
ED148141 Documents Non Didactiques et Formation en Langues (Non-Didactic Documents and Language Training). Melanges Pedagogiques, 1972 1
ED148142 Application des Descriptions Linguistiques a l'Enseignement des Langues. Problematique et Compte-Rendu d'Observation. (The Application of Linguistic Descriptions to Language Teaching Issues and Observation). Melanges Pedagogiques, 1972 / 1
ED148143 Le Facteur d'Adaptation dans la Comprehension de l'Anglais Oral (The Adaptation Factor in the Understanding of Spoken English). Melanges Pedagogiques, 1972 1
ED148144 Le Discours Oral (Oral Discourse). Melanges Pedagogiques, 1972 1
ED148145 Formative Assessment of Learner Progress in the Classroom 1
ED148146 Learning with Foreign Students. A Handbook for Students on How to Enrich Their Learning in International Studies, in International Education and Other Social and Behavioral Sciences Through Foreign Students 1
ED148147 Commentaires et Observations sur l'Enseignement du Recit au Cours Secondaire (Comments and Remarks on the Teaching of the Narrative on the Intermediate Level) 1
ED148148 "From Immigrant to Ethnic" A Curriculum Package / 1
ED148149 A FLES Curriculum for Third Year French A Language Arts Approach / 1
ED148150 An Annotated, Critical Bibliography of Generative-Based Grammatical Analyses of Spanish Phonology and Morphology / 1
ED148151 An Acoustic Study of the Vowel Pitch Levels and the "Flat" Type Accent in Kyoto Japanese 1
ED148152 Demonstratives and Number in Korean 1
ED148155 Suggestopaedia-Canada. 1977-3 1
ED148157 Lunyoro Rutoro Instructions / 1