Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED155939 Evaluative and Creative Orientation. TEAL Occasional Papers, Vol. 1, 1977 1
ED155940 The Silent Way A Personal Account. TEAL Occasional Papers, Vol. 1, 1977 / 1
ED155941 The Community is Our Classroom. TEAL Occasional Papers, Vol. 1, 1977 1
ED155942 Community Language Learning and Counseling-Learning. TEAL Occasional Papers, Vol. l, 1977 1
ED155943 First Language Literacy and Second Language Learning. TEAL Occasional Papers, Vol. 2, 1978 1
ED155944 Implications for Working with New Canadians. TEAL Occasional Papers, Vol. 2, 1978 1
ED155945 Measuring Listening Comprehension in English as a Second Language. TEAL Occasional Papers, Vol. 2, 1978 1
ED155946 Techniques for Introducing the Newspaper to ESL Students. TEAL Occasional Papers, Vol. 2, 1978 1
ED155947 Practical Activities that Focus on the Decision-Making Process. TEAL Occasional Papers, Vol. 2, 1978 1
ED155948 Error Analysis Reinterpreting Learning Strategies / 1
ED155949 Guidelines for Teachers and Administrators on the Organization of English-as-a-Second-Language Classes for Non-English-Speaking Students in British Columbia Schools. Revised 1
ED155950 Paragraph, Is It a Legitimate Linguistic Unit? -- A Case Study from English and Japanese / 1
ED155951 Articulatory Phonetics and Contrastive Sounds An Effective Method of Teaching English Pronounciation. A Teaching Manual for ESL Instructors / 1
ED155952 A Survey of Attitudes and Opinions Concerning the French Programmes in the London Public System. Research Bulletin No. 10 1
ED155953 Making Academic Decisions in Committees. SCEDSIP Occasional Paper 3 1
ED155954 Student Evaluation of Teaching in Management and Business Studies. SCEDSIP Occasional Paper 2 1
ED155955 The Development and Evaluation of Study Skills Courses for Students in Higher Education. SCEDSIP Occasional Paper 4 1
ED155956 Abstracts of State Authorizing and Oversight Laws and Regulations. A Study of State Oversight in Postsecondary Education 1
ED155957 Those Tumultuous Years. The Goals of the President of the University of Alberta during the Decade of the 1960s 1
ED155958 No-Need Merit Awards. A Survey of Their Use at Four-Year Public and Private Colleges and Universities / 1