Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED179994 Unity in Diversity 1
ED179995 Advanced Placement British Literature. Grade 12 1
ED179996 Intimacy and Audience The Relationship between Revision and the Social Dimension of Peer Tutoring / 1
ED179997 Meeting Client Expectations 1
ED179998 The Articulation of Bias Hoof in Mouth Disease / 1
ED179999 Large as Life Fiction about How 10-16 Year-Old Characters Cope / 1
ED180000 College Student Press Law. Second Edition / 1
ED180001 Annotated Bibliography of State Curriculum Materials in General Speech Communication, Mass Communication, and Drama Theatre / 1
ED180002 Activation Theory and Uses and Gratifications Research 1
ED180003 Constructing a Theory of Intercultural Communication The Promise and Paradox / 1
ED180004 Older Americans on Stage 1
ED180005 W P G Atlantic City A Forgotten Chapter In the History of Broadcasting / 1
ED180006 The Spoken Word and Human Consciousness A Bio-Physical Perspective / 1
ED180007 The Rhetoric of Betty Friedan Rhetoric of Redefinition / 1
ED180008 Physician Advertising The Debate / 1
ED180009 Germany's National Socialism and America's "New Left" A Comparative Study of Two-Neo-Romantic Political Movements and Their Rhetoric / 1
ED180010 Yuben (Monthly Magazine on Oratory) in the Early Twentieth Century A Case Study in the Promulgation of Western Rhetoric in Japan / 1
ED180011 Research as Argument : The Experimental Form / 1
ED180012 Accountability and Broadcast Diversity A Proposal for Community Control of Radio Formats / 1
ED180013 Access to Personal Medical Records 1