Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED223163 Undergraduate Practicum in a Liberal Education 1
ED223164 Who Goes to a Service Academy? 1
ED223165 Tuition and Required Fees and Room and Board Charges at Institutions of Higher Education in Pennsylvania, 1982-83 1
ED223166 Financial Statistics, 1980-81. Our Colleges and Universities Today. Volume XIX, Number 8 1
ED223167 Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits of Full-Time Instructional Faculty, 1981-82. Our Colleges and Universities Today. Volume XIX, Number 7 1
ED223168 School-College Cooperation for Teaching Gifted Students 1
ED223169 Trends in Racial, Sexual, and Class Inequality in Access to American Higher Education 1940-1980. [Report from the] Project on Politics and Inequality in American Higher Education / 1
ED223170 The Politics of Structural Change in American Higher Education The Case of Open Admissions at the City University of New York. [Report from the] Project on Politics and Inequality in American Higher Education / 1
ED223171 The Politics of Federal Higher Education Policymaking 1945-1980. [Report from the] Project on Politics and Inequality in American Higher Education / 1
ED223172 Student Interaction with Campus Help-Givers Mapping the Network's Efficacy / 1
ED223173 Service Experience and the Moral Development of College Students 1
ED223174 Applying Successful Policies and Programs to Students, Institutions, and the Community. A Foreword to the Higher Education CETA Project / 1
ED223175 Structures and Strategies for Linking the Higher Education and Employment Communities. Higher Education CETA Project Monograph / 1
ED223176 Higher Education's Current Involvement with and Future Responses to Occupational Training and Employment Programs and Services. Higher Education CETA Project Monograph / 1
ED223177 A Policymaker's Overview Federally Sponsored Employment and Training. Higher Education/CETA Project Monograph / 1
ED223178 Collaborative Efforts among Higher Education, CETA and the Private Sector Implications for Instructional Heads and Institutional Business Officers. Higher Education/CETA Project Monograph / 1
ED223179 Student Services for CETA Participants. Higher Education CETA Project Monograph / 1
ED223180 University and College Associated Skill Centers. Higher Education CETA Project Monograph / 1
ED223181 Private Industry Councils and Higher Education Opportunities for Success. Higher Education/CETA Project Monograph / 1
ED223182 The Contribution of Higher Education to Employment and Training Programs Patterns, Potential Benefits, and Constraints. Higher Education/CETA Project Monograph / 1