Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED230990 Assumptions about Communication Impact on Teaching and Teacher Preparation. Communication Theory and Instructional Theory. [and] The Goals of Communication Teacher Education: A University Perspective / 1
ED230991 Body Type Attractiveness Preferences of the Aged 1
ED230992 Necessary Functions and Competencies for Organizational Communication Specialists 1
ED230993 The New World Information Order. [Commission Document] 31 1
ED230994 Reflections on Forensics 1
ED230995 On the Nature of Teaching Excellence 1
ED230996 Speech Perception as a Cognitive Process The Interactive Activation Model / 1
ED230997 Naming the Rape Victim 1
ED230998 Homophobia and Intimate Self-Disclosure Why Aren't Men Talking? / 1
ED230999 Debating United States Justice System A Preliminary Analysis / 1
ED231000 Statehouse Reporting of a Legislative Session Source Perceptions of News Media Performance / 1
ED231001 Conflict on the Nursing Staff A Case for Overload Studies / 1
ED231002 Communication and Decision Making in Japanese and American (United States) Organizations A Cross-Cultural Comparison / 1
ED231003 Anxious Behaviors of Patrons of an X-Rated Movie An Update of the Winick Study for the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography / 1
ED231004 Competition and Diversity among Radio Formats Legal and Structural Issues / 1
ED231005 A Study of Communication Apprehension in Pharmacy Students in 51 Colleges and Universities 1
ED231006 IABC 83 The Winds of Change. 1
ED231007 Speech Communication Education and Classroom Interaction Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations Published in "Dissertation Abstracts International," January through June 1983 (Vol. 43 Nos. 7 through 12) 1
ED231008 Applied Communication, Argumentation, and Debate Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations Published in "Dissertation Abstracts International," January through June 1983 (Vol. 43 Nos. 7 through 12) 1
ED231009 Mass Communication Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations Published in "Dissertation Abstracts International," January through June 1983 (Vol. 43 Nos. 7 through 12) 1