Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED234641 The Impact of Language of Instruction on the Educational Achievement of Hispanic Students 1
ED234642 The Effect of Schooling Abroad on the Socioeconomic and Language Patterns of First Generation Hispanics and East Asians 1
ED234643 What Matters? The Relative Impact of Language Background and Socioeconomic Status on Reading Achievement / 1
ED234644 High School and Beyond Issues Regarding the Language File, Bilingual Participation and Tests / 1
ED234645 English Teaching Profile Kuwait. 1
ED234646 Spanish Language Arts for the English Speaker. Teacher's Manual, Student Workbook, and Teacher's Workbook and Vocabulary Picture Book Level B / 1
ED234647 Foreign Language Teaching Programs for Microcomputers A Volume of Reviews / 1
ED234649 Educating Students from Other Nations - A Handbook for Administrators 1
ED234650 Booked for Teaching 1
ED234651 Legal Responsibilities and Contractual Obligations Imposed on a University by Its Catalog 1
ED234652 Computer Assisted Degree Progress Reporting 1
ED234653 Teaching Techniques for the Languages of the Disciplines. An Instructional Manual 1
ED234654 Controls Over Foreign Students in U.S. Postsecondary Institutions Are Still Ineffective Proposed Legislation and Regulations May Correct Problems. Report to the Chairman, Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources. 1
ED234655 Triage and the Art of Institutional Research / 1
ED234656 Race and Sex Differences in Degree Attainment and Major Field Distributions from 1975-76 to 1980-81 1
ED234657 Revenue Bonds to Finance College and University Programs. Hearing and Markup before the Subcommittee on Fiscal Affairs and Health and the Committee on the District of Columbia. House of Representatives, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Second Session on H.R. 6010 and H.R. 6276 to Amend the Revenue Bond Section of the Home Rule Act for the Purpose of Providing for Student Loans. (May 26 and June 23, 1982) 1
ED234658 "It's Not My Job" A Student Services Functional Inventory / 1
ED234659 Surveying Your Alumni Guidelines and 22 Sample Questionnaires / 1
ED234660 Recent Developments in Graduate Programs. New Opportunities through Versatility Broadening the Mold. Proceedings of Conference/Workshop of the Council of Graduate Schools in the United States and the Graduate Record Examinations Board (Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 13, 1982) 1
ED234661 Is Graduate Education Fulfilling Its Responsibilities to Primary and Secondary Education? A Panel Discussion. 1