Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED249069 Endangered Species. Issue Pac 1
ED249070 Freshwater Marsh. Habitat Pac 1
ED249071 Migratory Birds. Issue Pac 1
ED249072 Urban Areas. Habitat Pac 1
ED249073 Wetlands Conservation and Use. Issue Pac 1
ED249081 Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians in Trade and Regulated Industries 1982. Detailed Statistical Tables. Surveys of Science Resources Series. 1
ED249082 Energy Activities for the Primary Classroom. Revised 1
ED249083 Science and Technology Data Book 1
ED249084 An Atlas of Nuclear Energy. A Non-Technical World Portrait of Commercial Nuclear Energy 1
ED249085 Mathematics and Science Instruction in Southern California 1
ED249086 Ciencias 3. Manual do Professor 1
ED249087 Ciencias 3. (Science 3). Student Book 1
ED249088 Ciencias 3. Caderno de Exercicios 1
ED249089 Some Properties of Sea Water. A Unit of Programmed Instruction 1
ED249090 Engineering Aid 3 & 2, Vol. 1. Rate Training Manual and Nonresident Career Course 1
ED249091 Engineering Aid 3 & 2, Vol. 2. Rate Training Manual 1
ED249092 Mathematics Volume I. Student Book. Grade 7 1
ED249093 Mathematics Volume II. Student Book. Grade 8 1
ED249094 Matematica 2. Manual do Professor 1
ED249095 Matematica 2. Livro do Aluno 1