Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED261281 Adolescent Suicide Awareness Training Manual 1
ED261282 Managing in Dual-Employed Families Policies and Perspectives That Would Help / 1
ED261283 Test Anxiety, Persistence, and Response Withholding under Conditions of Repeated Failure 1
ED261284 Management Theory Meets Student Development Theory Implications for Student Affairs Programming / 1
ED261285 Aspects of Perceived Personal Competence in Older Adults and Their Relation to Mood and Morale 1
ED261286 The Rewarding Challenge Welcoming Re-Entry Women Students to the Small College. 1
ED261287 Social Security Disability Reviews The Human Costs. Hearing before the Special Committee on Aging. United States Senate, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session (Part 1 - Chicago, Illinois) 1
ED261288 Social Security Disability Reviews The Human Costs. Joint Hearing before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate and the Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session (Part 2 - Dallas, Texas) 1
ED261289 Social Security Disability Reviews The Human Costs. Joint Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives and the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session (Part 3 - Hot Springs, Arkansas) 1
ED261290 Long-Term Care Need for a National Policy. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Health and Long-Term Care of the Select Committee on Aging. House of Representatives, Ninety-Eighth Congress, First Session (December 15, 1983, San Francisco, California) 1
ED261291 Health Maintenance Organizations and the Elderly Promises, Problems, and Prospects. Hearing before the Select Committee on Aging. House of Representatives, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session (Boca Raton, Florida) 1
ED261292 Corporate Retiree Health Benefits: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Hearing before the Select Committee on Aging. House of Representatives, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session (June 27, 1984) 1
ED261293 The Effects of Salience of Ingroup Identity on Perceived Social Support and Opinion Certainty 1
ED261294 Gender-Stereotyping of Cognitive Abilities 1
ED261295 Building a Network for Children of Divorce 1
ED261296 Cultural Mistrust as a Contributor to Mental Health and Psychopathology 1
ED261297 Some Personality Characteristics of Self-Handicapping Behavior 1
ED261298 Dual Career Families 1
ED261299 The Effects of Absence of a Parent on the Cognitive and Social Performance of Adolescents Research Results from Africa / 1
ED261300 The Relationship of Cognition and Affect in the Orientation Process 1