Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED268074 Metropolitan Life Survey of State Actions to Upgrade Teachers and Education 1
ED268075 The Social Context of Instruction. Group Organization and Group Processes. [Papers Presented at a Conference Held at The Wisconsin Center for Education Research (Madison, May 1982).] 1
ED268076 The Metropolitan Life Survey of the American Teacher 1985. Strengthening the Profession 1
ED268077 A Profile of the Physical Fitness Patron Perceptions of Physical Self, Perceived Benefits, Social Influences, and Self-Esteem / 1
ED268078 Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute Proceedings (29th, Kingston, Oklahoma, February 5-8, 1984) 1
ED268079 NCATE Thirty-second Annual List of Accredited Programs. 1985-86 1
ED268080 Tennessee Technological University Teacher Evaluation Model Year XII. Study of the Teacher Preparation Progams of Tennessee Technological University Report 85-2 / 1
ED268081 Upgrading Classroom Management through the Toledo Partnership Approach 1
ED268082 New Challenges for Teachers and Their Education. National Reports on Teacher Education Background Material for a Session of the Standing Conference of European Ministers of Education (15th, Helsinki, Finland, May 5-7, 1987) 1
ED268083 Redesigning Teacher Education to Recruit Talented Candidates and Remediate "At Risk" Candidates Using Skills Test Scores and Related Data 1
ED268084 Teachers as Listeners 1
ED268085 Child Health and Fitness. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources. United States Senate, Ninety-ninth Congress, First Session on Examining Problems Confronting the Physical Condition of Our Children and Ways to Help Them. 1
ED268086 Strategies for Increasing Scholarly Productivity in Schools and Colleges of Education 1
ED268087 Cost of Treatment Procedures in the National Preventive Dentistry Demonstration Program 1
ED268088 Rhythms and Dance. Games of Low Organization 1
ED268089 Teacher Unionism Factors That Motivate Membership / 1
ED268090 Cognition, Character and Quality of Life 1
ED268091 Constructing a Practical Philosophy of Teaching A Study of Preservice Teachers' Professional Perspectives / 1
ED268092 Attitudes Toward Teaching of High Aptitude High School Seniors 1
ED268093 The Academic Quality of Teacher Certification Graduates and Their Employment Histories 1