Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED271346 Maryland Comprehensive State Plan for Arts in Education 1
ED271347 Commission on Bicentennial of Constitution of United States. Joint Hearing before the Subcommittee on Compensation and Employee Benefits and the Subcommittee on Census and Population of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress. First Session. (December 5, 1985) 1
ED271348 Report of the State of Maryland Values Education Commission, January 5, 1979-January 31, 1983 1
ED271349 Subject Index to Current Population Reports 1
ED271350 Perinatal Mortality in the United States, 1950-81 1
ED271351 History, Geography, and Citizenship The Teacher's Role. Ethics and Public Policy Essay 64 / 1
ED271352 Catechetics in the Catholic School. NCEA Keynote Series, No. 10 1
ED271353 American Folk Music and Folklore Recordings 1984 A Selected List. 1
ED271354 American Folk Music and Folklore Recordings 1983 A Selected List. 1
ED271355 Missionaries, Anthropologists, and Cultural Change [Part I]. Studies in Third World Societies. Publication Number Twenty-Five 1
ED271356 Japan's Influence on Chinese Education 1
ED271357 Creating and Using Databases in the Social Studies 1
ED271360 Interface between Education and State Policy Australia. Asia and the Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development, Education and Polity, No. 2 / 1
ED271361 Learning Experiences in Population Education. Population Education Programme Service, Volume 2. For the Formal Education System 1
ED271362 Learning Experiences in Population Education. Population Education Programme Service, Volume 3. For the Non-Formal Education System 1
ED271363 Towards Equality of Educational Opportunity Inter-Country Exchange of Experiences. Report of the Visits of the Panel on the Education of Girls (9th, Bangkok, Thailand, May 27-June 10, 1985) 1
ED271364 Predictors of Global Awareness and Concern among Secondary School Students 1
ED271365 The Comparative Study of Foreign Policy Perspectives on the Future / 1
ED271366 Anthropologists and Missionaries. Part II. Studies in Third World Societies. Publication Number Twenty-Six 1
ED271367 The Rise and Fall of Democracies in Third World Societies. Studies in Third World Societies. Publication Number Twenty-Seven 1