Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED276940 Four Percent Fallacy Revisited Urban and Rural Differences / 1
ED276941 The Social Networks of Employed Couples The Role They Play in Coping with Stress / 1
ED276942 Women, Alcohol, and the College Campus 1
ED276943 Relationship between Health and Social Participation among the Institutionalized Elderly 1
ED276944 The Residential Moves by the Elderly to U.S. Central Cities, Suburbs, and Rural Areas 1
ED276945 Elderly Volunteers and the Time They Contribute An Empirical Study / 1
ED276946 Interpersonal Attraction as a Function of Appearance and Competition 1
ED276947 The Etiquette of Helping in Congregate Housing 1
ED276948 Treatment of Perfectionism 1
ED276949 An Aging Society Meeting the Needs of the Elderly While Responding to Rising Federal Costs. 1
ED276950 Medicare Reviews of Quality of Care at Participating Hospitals. Report to the Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration. 1
ED276951 Substance Abuse Description of Proposed State Allotment Grant Formulas. Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives. 1
ED276952 Drug Education Curriculum, Junior High. Health Education Substance Abuse Prevention. Revised 1982. 1
ED276953 Drug Education Curriculum Senior High. Health Education: Substance Abuse Prevention. Revised 1982. 1
ED276954 Dream Interpretation Groups Facilitating Identity Development of Adolescents and Young Adults / 1
ED276955 Placing Infants at Risk Parental Addiction and Disease. Hearing before the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families. House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress, Second Session. 1
ED276956 Medigap Insurance Law Has Increased Protection against Substandard and Overpriced Policies. Report to the Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives. 1
ED276957 Health Care States Assume Leadership Role in Providing Emergency Medical Services. Report to Congressional Requesters. 1
ED276958 Medical Malpractice Insurance Costs Increased but Varied among Physicians and Hospitals. Report to Congressional Requesters. 1
ED276959 Elderly Psychiatric Patient Status and Caregiver Perceptions as Predictors of Caregiver Burden 1