Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED277617 Using Computerized Outlines in Teaching American Government 1
ED277618 American Folk Music and Folklore Recordings 1985 A Selected List. 1
ED277619 The Use of Computers in the Teaching of Geography 1
ED277620 Social Studies Framework Kindergarten-Grade 12. 1
ED277621 Gender and Moral Education 1
ED277622 How Bishops Decide An American Catholic Case Study. Ethics and Public Policy Essay 63 / 1
ED277623 American Business and the Quest for Freedom. Ethics and Public Policy Essay 62 1
ED277624 Crisis in the Philippines A Threat to U.S. Interests / 1
ED277625 Does Big Business Rule America? Critical Commentaries on Charles E. Lindblom's "Politics and Markets." / 1
ED277626 The Utopian Dilemma American Judaism and Public Policy / 1
ED277627 America's Stake in the Pacific 1
ED277628 Will Capitalism Survive? A Challenge by Paul Johnson with Twelve Responses / 1
ED277629 Amsterdam to Nairobi The World Council of Churches and the Third World / 1
ED277630 Conscience and Dividends Churches and the Multinationals / 1
ED277631 Morality and Foreign Policy. A Symposium on President Carter's Stance 1
ED277632 Art Education, Aesthetics, and Art Criticism. Collected Papers, Pennsylvania's Symposium (Carlisle, Pennsylvania, May 6-7, 1986) 1
ED277633 The Media, Elite Conflict, and Risk Perception in Nuclear Energy Policy 1
ED277634 Guidelines for Parent Involvement in Chapter 1 Programs 1
ED277635 Good Tastes in Africa A Recipe Book. African Outreach Series, No. 3 / 1
ED277636 Brazil and the United States. Foreign Policy Association Headline Series No. 279 1