Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED288561 Bibliographic Instruction, Vermont Libraries. A Directory of Programs and Methods 1
ED288562 ERIC Administrative Bulletin (EAB), 1976-1987 1
ED288564 Inside English Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year Colleges; Fall 1974, and Winter 1975. 1
ED288565 Inside English Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year Colleges; December 1975, and Spring 1976. 1
ED288566 Inside English Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year Colleges; Fall 1976. Special Statewide Conference Issue, and Spring 1977. 1
ED288567 Inside English Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year Colleges; Fall 1977, Winter 1978, and Spring 1978 / 1
ED288568 Inside English Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year Colleges; Vol. V, Nos. 1-3, Fall 1978, Winter 1979, and Summer 1979 / 1
ED288569 Inside English Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year Colleges; Vol. VI, Nos. 1-4, September 1979, December 1979, March 1980, and June 1980 / 1
ED288570 Inside English Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year Colleges; Vol. VII, Nos. 1-4, September 1980, December 1980, March 1981, and June 1981 / 1
ED288571 Inside English Journal of the English Council of the California Two-Year Colleges; Vol. VIII, Nos. 1-4, September 1981, December 1981, March 1982, and June 1982 / 1
ED288572 Inside English Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year Colleges; Vol. IX, Nos. 1-4, October 1982, December 1982, March 1983, and May 1983 / 1
ED288573 Inside English Journal of the English Council of the California Two-Year Colleges; Vol. XI, Nos. 1-4, October 1983, December 1983, March 1984, and June 1984 / 1
ED288574 Inside English Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year Colleges; Vol. XII, Nos. 1-4, October 1982, 1984, December 1984, March 1985, and May 1985 / 1
ED288575 Inside English Journal of the English Council of the California Two-Year Colleges; Vol. XIII, Nos. 1-4, October 1985, December 1985, March 1986, and May 1986 / 1
ED288576 Academically Creative Education An Interim Report. 1
ED288577 The Multidimensional Problem of Articulation and Transfer 1
ED288578 Second-Year Status Report on the Transfer Center Pilot Program 1
ED288579 English Skills Tutorial Package for Limited English Proficiency Students 1
ED288580 Community Colleges Humanities Review, Number 8, 1987 1
ED288581 The New Mexico Association of Community, Junior and Technical Colleges Position Paper on the Important Issues Facing New Mexico's Two-Year Colleges 1