Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED292363 A Permanency Planning Study Implications for Child Welfare Curriculum / 1
ED292364 The Needs of the Nontraditional Bachelor of Social Work Student 1
ED292365 Degrees Conferred by Connecticut Colleges and Universities 1
ED292366 Encouraging Research and Scholarship in Masters Only Institutions 1
ED292367 Evaluation of Developmental Education Programs Issues, Problems, and Techniques / 1
ED292368 State Higher Education Policies in the Information Age 1
ED292370 Community, Commitment and Congruence A Different Kind of Excellence. A Preliminary Report on "The Future of the Academic Workplace in Liberal Arts Colleges." / 1
ED292371 Public Funding of Private Higher Education 1
ED292372 Programs Offered and Programs Completed at North Dakota Institutions of Postsecondary Education, July 1, 1986-June 30, 1987 1
ED292373 Proceedings of the University of Wyoming Trustees Symposium. (Jackson, Wyoming, August 2-5, 1987) 1
ED292374 Proceedings of the University of Wyoming Trustee Symposium (Jackson, Wyoming, August 3-6, 1986) 1
ED292375 New Jersey College Basic Skills Placement Testing. Fall 1987. Entering Freshmen 1
ED292376 An Ongoing Qualitative Study of Architecture Studio Teaching Analyzing Teacher-Student Exchanges. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper / 1
ED292377 Increasing Higher Education's Contribution to Economic Development in Urban and Rural Communities Lessons from Washington State. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper / 1
ED292378 The Emergence of the Collegiate System in Classical Islam 700-1200 A.D. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper / 1
ED292379 Work Values of Faculty Members in Selected Small Liberal Arts Colleges A Comparative Study. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper / 1
ED292380 Persistence, Student Background, and Integration Commitment: Variation by Definition of Persistence and Institutional Type. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper / 1
ED292381 The Discovery Stage of Presidential Succession. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper 1
ED292382 A Review of Selected Theoretical Models of Student Development and Collegiate Impact. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper 1
ED292383 A Decade of Research on Graduate Students A Review of the Literature in Academic Journals. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper / 1