An Analysis of State Special Education Nondiscriminatory Evaluation Policy and Procedures |
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Instructional Effectiveness Implications for Effective Instruction of Handicapped Students. Monograph No. 4. University of Minnesota Instructional Alternatives Project / |
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Instructional Factors that Influence Student Achievement An Integrative Review. Monograph No. 7. University of Minnesota Instructional Alternatives Project / |
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The Qualitative Nature of Instruction for Mentally Retarded, Learning Disabled, and Emotionally Disturbed Elementary Students in Special Education Settings. Research Report No. 5. University of Minnesota Instructional Alternatives Project |
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Student-Teacher Ratios for Mildly Handicapped Children in Special Education Settings. Research Report No. 7. University of Minnesota Instructional Alternatives Project |
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Technology Utilization, the Key to Independence. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering (5th, Houston, Texas, August 22-26, 1982). Volume 2 |
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The Promise of Technology. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering (6th, San Diego, California, June 12-16, 1983). Volume 3 |
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International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering Proceedings (2nd, Ottawa, Canada, June 17-22, 1984). Combined with RESNA 7th Annual Conference. Volume 4 = Conference internationale sur la technologie de reeducation fonctionnelle: compet rendu (2nd, Ottawa, Canada, Juin 17-22, 1984). Tenue parallelement a la RESNA 7e conference annuelle. |
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Special Sessions International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering (2nd, Ottawa, Canada, June 17-22, 1984). Combined with RESNA 7th Annual Conference = Seances speciales: conference internationale sur la technologie de reeducation fonctionnelle (2nd, Ottawa, Canada, Juin 17-22, 1984). Tenue parallelement a la RESNA 7e conference annuelle. |
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National Directory of Organizations Serving Parents of Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Second Edition |
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Respite Care An Annotated Bibliography / |
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Respite Care A Monograph / |
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Replicating Jobs in Business and Industry for Persons with Disabilities. Volume 5 |
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The Transition Experiences of Youth with Disabilities : A Report from the National Longitudinal Transition Study / |
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Educational Programs and Achivements of Secondary Special Education Students : Findings from the National Longitudinal Transition Study / |
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Dropouts The Relationship of Student Characteristics, Behaviors, and Performance for Special Education Students / |
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Making the Transition An Explanatory Model of Special Education Students' Participation in Postsecondary Education / |
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The Affective Filter in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Report 2 A Validation Study of Filtering Factors with a Focus on the Learner's FL Self-Concept. Jyvaskyla Cross-Language Studies, No. 15 / |
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The Teaching of American Culture in Secondary English Courses in Japan An Analysis of Textbooks / |
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Practical Adjustment to Life in the United States Interviews with Incoming Japanese Students at an American University / |
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