Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED314551 Educational and Vocational Guidance Services for the 14-25 Age Group. Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands 1
ED314552 Syracuse University Publications in Continuing Education. List of Publications 1
ED314553 Proceedings of the Symposium on Training of Nuclear Facility Personnel (8th, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April 24-27, 1989) 1
ED314554 Let the People Learn The Establishment of a Department of Non-Formal Education in Botswana. Manchester Monographs No. 29 / 1
ED314555 Inner City Adult Education The Liverpool Experience. Manchester Monographs No. 30 / 1
ED314556 Medical Office Receptionist Assistant. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages / 1
ED314557 Dental Assisting. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314558 Child Care Aide. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314559 Medical Skills and Related Health Careers. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314560 Entrepreneur Training Program. Getting Started 1
ED314561 Entrepreneur Program. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314562 Business Relations Media/Modeling. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages / 1
ED314563 Fashion Merchandising. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314564 Interior Design. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314565 Commercial Art. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314566 Commercial Photography and Television Production. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314567 Printing. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314568 Cosmetology Hairstyling. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages / 1
ED314569 Food Services. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1
ED314570 Landscaping and Greenhouse Technology. COM-LINK. Competency Based Vocational Curricula with Basic Skills and Academic Linkages 1