Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED326169 Financing Higher Education. Current Patterns 1
ED326170 Economic Competitiveness and International Knowledge. Special Policy Briefing for Maine Legislators 1
ED326171 Economic Competitiveness and International Knowledge. Special Policy Briefing for Connecticut Legislators 1
ED326172 Economic Competitiveness and International Knowledge A Special Policy Briefing for Massachusetts Legislators. 1
ED326173 Economic Competitiveness and International Knowledge A Special Policy Briefing for New Hampshire Legislators. 1
ED326174 Economic Competitiveness and International Knowledge. A Special Policy Briefing for Rhode Island Legislators 1
ED326175 Economic Competitiveness and International Knowledge. A Special Policy Briefing for Vermont Legislators 1
ED326176 Financing Universities in North America. Can Ontario Compete in the 1990s? 1
ED326177 Gender and Race Differences in Achievement, Enjoyment of Academic Subjects and Persistence in Freshmen Engineering Students 1
ED326178 Using Microcomputers To Implement Mastery Learning with High-Risk and Minority Adolescents 1
ED326179 Toward a Design Science of Education. Technical Report No. 1 1
ED326180 Adult Students, Technology, and General Education New Tools for Curriculum Reform / 1
ED326181 Linking Schools to University Resources via Interactive Television 1
ED326182 Audiovisual Education at the Local Level Chiba Prefecture. AVE in Japan No. 28. 1
ED326183 Computer Technology and End-User Training An Integration of Information Processing and Man-Machine Interface Perspectives / 1
ED326184 The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow 1989 Evaluation Study / 1
ED326185 Resource Manual on the Use of Computers in Schooling 1
ED326186 Tomorrow's Tools Today The State of Educational Computing in Asia and the Pacific. A Report of the Regional Seminar (June 13-27, 1990) 1
ED326187 Access, Quality and Economy The Unfinished Agenda for America's Schools. (Education Technology and Higher Literacies). Finance Collaborative Working Paper #4 / 1
ED326188 Reaching Out Visions for a New Decade: Abstracts = La distance apprivoisee vers une nouvelle decennie: resumes des communications. 1