Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED326770 The Theoretical and Historical Origins of Community-Based Treatment of Children with Serious Emotional Disorders 1
ED326771 Mental Health Policy Regarding the Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Serious Emotional Disorders Yes I Believe I Can Hear Some Light Ahead! / 1
ED326772 Drug Education School-Based Programs Seen as Useful but Impact Unknown. Report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate. 1
ED326773 Providing Consultation to Primary Prevention Programs Applying the Technology of Community Psychology / 1
ED326774 Psychotherapy with AIDS Patients Countertransference Issues / 1
ED326775 Suggestions for Policy Regarding the Integration of Young People into Working Life. Reports, Studies...S.136 1
ED326776 Vocational Guidance within the Context of the Democratization of Education. Rapports, etudes...S.129 1
ED326777 Seminar on the Prevention of Problems Associated with the Use of Drugs in West Africa (Dakar, Senegal, December 12-17, 1988). Final Report 1
ED326778 A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Transition from School to Work. Reports, Studies...S. 132 1
ED326779 Report by the Director-General to the General Conference, Twenty-Fourth Session, Paris 1987, on the Implementation of the Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Adopted by the International Conference on Education at Its Fortieth Session. Item 5.5 on the Provisional Agenda 1
ED326781 Anabolic Steroid Misuse among Minors. Report to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia. House Document No. 58 1
ED326782 A Study of Mothers and Adolescent Daughters in African American Families 1
ED326783 The Impact of Pre-Adult Appearance-Related Experiences on Young Adults' Personality 1
ED326784 The Relationship between Looks and Personality Strong and General or Content Specific? / 1
ED326785 Colorado Public School Annual Dropout Rates Grades Seven through Twelve, 1988-89. 1
ED326786 A Context for Organizational Consulting in Counseling Psychology 1
ED326787 Effective Time Management Strategies for School Counselors 1
ED326788 Teenagers and Satanism 1
ED326789 How Children Grieve Implications for Counseling / 1
ED326790 The Role of the Elementary School Guidance Counselor in the Intervention Prevention of Physical Child Abuse / 1