Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED332216 Collaborative Learning, Phase Two Experimental Research / 1
ED332217 Back to School Warnings and Advice to the Older Graduate Student / 1
ED332218 "Bad English" and "Slang" Students' Perceptions of Dialect in Writing / 1
ED332219 Revisioning Vygotsky 1
ED332220 Effecting Institutional Change through Writing across the Curriculum Ideology and Inner Dialogue / 1
ED332221 Notes from beyond the Cognitive Domain 1
ED332222 Voice and the Collaborative Essay 1
ED332223 Alaska Writing Assessment Pilot Survey 1988-89 1
ED332225 "The Andromeda Strain" as Science and Literature 1
ED332226 Planes of Existence Toward Epistemological Peace / 1
ED332227 The Impact of Persona on the Success of Written Arguments 1
ED332228 Parents Helping in the Classroom. PEN 71 1
ED332229 Enhancing a Child's Self-Concept 1
ED332230 Frank Buchman's Moral Re-Armament and Alfred Korzybski's General Semantics A Comparison and Contrast / 1
ED332231 Values Education in College and Universities An Overview of Collaborative Projects between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs / 1
ED332232 Popular Music, Television, and Generational Identity 1
ED332233 Techniques de Theatre Integrees a l'Enseignement du Francais 1989 = Theatre Techniques Integrated into the Teaching of French, 1989 1
ED332234 Strategies for Increasing the Expressive Vocabulary of Kindergarten Children 1
ED332235 Where Shall I Go to College to Study Advertising? 1
ED332236 The Challenge of Communication Curriculum Integration 1