Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED339207 Theories of Agrammatism 1
ED339208 Working Practices at School, Memory Use, and Foreign Language Learning 1
ED339209 Actes du colloque sur la neologie et la formation des mots 1
ED339210 Actes du colloque sur la didactique des langues aujourdi'hui Pratiques et realite. (29 Sept./1 Oct. 1983) [Proceedings of a Colloquium on the Teaching of Modern Languages Today: Practice and Reality. (September 29-October 1, 1983)] 1
ED339211 Travaux Neuchatelois de linguistique (TRANEL) (Neuchatel Works in Linguistics). Number 8 1
ED339212 What Is LAB and Why Was It Renormed? 1
ED339213 Bilingual Education and the LEP Student's Transition to the Mainstream Class A Summary Report / 1
ED339214 Speaking in Tongues Heritage Language Maintenance and Transfer in Canada / 1
ED339215 Content Based Language Instruction at Ylojarvi High School 1
ED339216 Reading Authentic Czech, Volume I 1
ED339217 Reading Authentic Polish, Volume I 1
ED339218 A Guide to Proficiency-Based Instruction in Modern Foreign Languages for Indiana Schools. Generic Competencies, Levels I-IV 1
ED339219 A Guide to Proficiency-Based Instruction in Latin for Indiana Schools. Latin Competencies, Levels I-IV 1
ED339220 Europe's Babylon: Towards a Single European Language? Esperanto Documents 41A / 1
ED339221 Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, Volume Twenty-Five. The Polish-English Contrastive Project 1
ED339222 Tai Lieu Huong Dan Ve Van De Dinh Cu Tai Hoa Ky 1
ED339223 Resettlement Guide Russian. A Guide for Refugees Resettling in the United States. 1
ED339224 Approaches to the Management of Large Classes. Lancaster-Leeds Language Learning in Large Classes Research Project. Project Resettling in the United States 1
ED339225 Resettlement Guide Farsi. A Guide for Refugees Resettling in the United States) 1
ED339226 French as a Second Language Program 1984-1985. Bulletin No. 1536, Revised 1