Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED350206 Practicing Democracy through Equity Education Social Studies Curriculum Grades K-12, 1991-1997 / 1
ED350207 Does the City College New World Civilization Course Reduce Provincialism? 1
ED350208 The Social Studies Curriculum The Case for Its Abolition / 1
ED350209 A Portrait of Four Social Studies Classes (With Special Attention Paid to the Identification of Teaching Techniques and Behaviors That Contribute to Student Learning) 1
ED350210 Compendium of Curriculum Projects for 1991 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program Ancient and Modern Egypt and Israel, June 20-22, 1991. 1
ED350211 Compendium of Research Projects for 1991 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program Yugoslavia and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic in Transition, June 22-24, 1991. 1
ED350212 Women and the Workplace The Glass Ceiling. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Employment and Productivity of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, First Session (October 23, 1991) 1
ED350213 [UNESCO] Regional Consultation Meeting on the Asia and Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development (APEID) (12th, Chaing Mai, Thailand, August 20-27, 1990). Final Report 1
ED350214 Philosophy for Children and the Teaching of Thinking. Conference Report of the National Conference on Philosophy for Children (1st, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, July 12-16, 1991) 1
ED350215 Values in Conflict Literature on China's Youth. High School and Junior College. 1
ED350216 Chinese American Experience San Francisco. 1
ED350217 China Resources A Guide for the Classroom. 1
ED350218 Discovering Marco Polo A Resource Guide for Teachers. 1
ED350219 Rural Development in China Grades Nine to Twelve / 1
ED350220 Economic Choices China after Mao. High School and Junior College. 1
ED350221 International Trade and Protectionism 1
ED350222 A Cultural Experience Japan / 1
ED350224 Model Learner Outcomes for Social Studies 1
ED350225 Readings for the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Kindergarten through Grade Twelve. An Annotated List. 1
ED350226 With History-Social Science for All Access for Every Student. 1