Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED372971 Research Reports and Teaching Materials Prepared by the Participants of the Department of Education-Fulbright Hays Summer Seminar (Cairo, Egypt, June-July, 1990) 1
ED372973 Redescubriendo America. Guia Pedagogica Des-Cubriendo la Historia y Legado de la Conquista / 1
ED372974 Equity for Women in the 1990s Regents Policy and Action Plan with Supporting Background / 1
ED372975 Improving Student Achievement. Connections, Challenges, and Choices. Florida K-12 Social Studies Program of Study 1
ED372976 Global Geography Activities for Teaching the Five Themes of Geography (Grades 3-9) 1
ED372977 Private Non-State Education: Forms and Status in the Member States of the European Community. 1
ED372978 The Humanities in the Schools. ACLS Occasion Paper, No. 20 1
ED372979 U.S. Department of Education Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program, Malaysia June 26 - July 24, 1993. Participants' Reports 1
ED372980 Global Interdependence. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Global Awareness Society International (New York, New York, July 1993) 1
ED372981 North Dakota Close Up Program. Participant Guide 1993 1
ED372982 Trash Conflicts A Science and Social Studies Curriculum on the Ethics of Disposal. An Interdisciplinary Curriculum / 1
ED372983 Teaching With Historic Places 1
ED372984 Integrating World Systems Analysis and Dependency Theory into World History at the Undergraduate and High School Levels 1
ED372985 InterGeo II International Geographical Achievement Test. Field Trials Report and Test (Secondary Schools, Grade 8) / 1
ED372986 Tracking, Textbooks, and Tradition A Tyrolean Teacher's Perspective / 1
ED372987 Teaching Patriotism as a Moral Matter Indonesia and the United States / 1
ED372988 One Germany, Two Identities? Challenges to Political Education in Germany Following Unification / 1
ED372989 Seduce Your Children 1
ED372990 Washington Symbol and City. An Educator's Guide to the Exhibit. 1
ED372991 Increasing Attendance at Early Morning Religious Education Classes by Increased Personal Attention, Recognition, and Teacher Improvement 1