Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED382133 Mission, Goals and Programs of the Midwestern Higher Education Commission 1
ED382134 Undergraduate International Studies on the Eve of the 21st Century 1
ED382135 Institutional Planning for Emeritus Faculty 1
ED382137 Estimated Supply and Demand for Michigan's College and University Graduates of 1994-1995 1
ED382138 Immigration Migration and the CUNY Student of the Future. 1
ED382139 A Contextual Analysis of Classroom Interaction at the University Level An Operations Research Approach / 1
ED382140 Admission Significance Parameters of the Radiologic Technology Program 1
ED382141 Perceptions of Faculty Performance Evaluation among Faculty across Academic Disciplines at a Selected University 1
ED382142 Identifying the Need for Teaching Ethics in Professional Legal Education 1
ED382143 Graduates and ABDs in Colleges of Education Characteristics and Implications for the Structure of Doctoral Programs. 1
ED382144 DOD Service Academies Comparison of Honor and Conduct Adjudicatory Processes. Report to Congressional Committees. 1
ED382145 University Research U.S. Reimbursement of Tuition Costs for University Employee Family Members. Report to Congressional Requesters. 1
ED382146 Postsecondary Encouragement in Indiana A Progress Report / 1
ED382147 Using Teaching Portfolios To Improve and Assess Teaching 1
ED382148 Doctoral Students at the University of Manitoba Factors Affecting Completion Rates and Time to Degree by Gender and by Field of Study / 1
ED382149 Academic Tenure Its Origins, Administration, and Importance. South Carolina Commission on Higher Education Staff Position Paper / 1
ED382150 The National Qualifications Framework and the Universities 1
ED382151 The Master Plan Revisited (Again) Prospects for Providing Access to Public Undergraduate Education in California. Draft / 1
ED382152 Perceptions of the College Experience African American Students on a Predominantly White Campus or a Qualitative Piece of the Retention Puzzle / 1
ED382153 Lo que Piensan los Estudiantes y Profesores Sobre la Calidad de la Educacion Superior. Estudio Comparativo en 5 Instituciones de Educacion Superior dos publicas y tres privadas--en Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico / 1