Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED385840 Engendering Anthropocentrism Lessons from Children's Realistic Animal Stories / 1
ED385841 Researching the Ephemeral 1
ED385842 Pronominal Outlaws 1
ED385843 When the Walls Came Tumbling Down Teaching in a (Super)natural Crisis / 1
ED385844 Changing Woman Aspects of Renewal in Navajo Tribal Literature / 1
ED385845 Socio-Psycholinguistic Assessment of Early Writing Development 1
ED385846 Under the Students' Gaze Three Contexts for Feminism in the Composition Classroom / 1
ED385847 Using Daedalus Interchange and New Daedalus Write To Teach Audience Awareness, Revision Techniques, and Textual Interpretation in a First-Year Writing Course on Contemporary Legal Issues 1
ED385848 Early Secondary Students' Views on the Writing Journal's Ability To Be a Self Motivator in Writing 1
ED385849 Journal Writing Is Beneficial to Teacher Instruction and Student Learning 1
ED385850 Talking with One's Self Reproducing Collaborative Writing Strategies in a Composition Course for Adult, Independent, Distance Learners / 1
ED385851 Sara Haardt The Neglected Contributions of a Unique Voice in the Literature of the New South / 1
ED385852 Responding When a Life Depends on It What To Write in the Margins When Students Self-Disclose / 1
ED385853 Adjuncts with an Attitude? Attitudes Encountered in the Struggle for Fair Pay and Job Security for Adjunct Faculty / 1
ED385854 Benefits of Teaching Beginning Reporting Students in a Computer Classroom 1
ED385855 Perceptions, Realities, & Possibilities Central Administration and Writing Centers / 1
ED385856 The Write Stuff Employment and Earnings of Authors, 1970 to 1990 / 1
ED385857 Talking about Freedom A Teacher's Guide to the First Amendment / 1
ED385859 An Award-Winning Journal for All Middle School Students: What Does It Take? IMPACT Ideas To Improve School Practices / 1
ED385860 Using Author-Created Literature To Correct Disciplinary Problems in the Kindergarten Classroom 1