Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED387031 Negotiating Knowledge and Knowing Philosophies of Teaching and Learning in Feminist Classrooms / 1
ED387032 Assessing Dispositional Coping Strategies in College Students : A Domain-Specific Measure / 1
ED387033 A Discrete-Time Survival Analysis of the Education Path of Specially Admitted Students 1
ED387041 Application and Enrollment Patterns of Transfer Students Fall 1994 1
ED387042 Instructional Locations Away from the Main Campus, State University of New York 1994-95 1
ED387043 The Master Plan for Higher Education 1
ED387044 Challenges for a New Era Student Senate's Vision for the Future of the University. 1
ED387045 Two Positions in the International Debate about Higher Education The World Bank and UNESCO / 1
ED387046 Higher Education in Mexico The Tensions and Ambiguities of Modernization / 1
ED387047 Veterinary Medicine Program Review. State University System of Florida. Consultant's Report and Recommendations 1
ED387052 Central Contingencies Part-Time Faculty and the Future of Higher Education / 1
ED387053 Higher Education in Stages. Summary of the 47th Report to the Government 1
ED387054 Academic Support Needs at Rutgers University, New Brunswick 1
ED387055 Educational Plant Survey, University of North Florida, April 17-19, 1995 1
ED387056 Voluntary Support of Education 1994 1
ED387057 Higher Education Participation The Key to Achieving a Commonwealth of Opportunity. 1
ED387058 1994 Initial Employment Follow-Up of 1993 Physics Degree Recipients 1
ED387061 Emerging Issues and Opportunities Prospective Analysis 1
ED387062 Altered Images Transforming College Estates for a Learning Revolution. Innovations in FE, Issue 2, Spring 1995 / 1
ED387063 Kiddie Credit Cards. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Consumer Credit and Insurance of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs. House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, Second Session (March 10, 1994) 1