Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED393288 An Exploratory Study on Academic Skill-Oriented Subtypes of Students at Risk A Validation of the BASS / 1
ED393289 Newsletter of the Japanese Language Teachers Network, 1994-1995 1
ED393290 The Application of Contrastive Analysis to Chinese Language Teaching 1
ED393291 Development of a Maori Immersion Childhood Education Diploma of Teaching 1
ED393292 Teaching Pronunciation in the Learner-Centered Classroom 1
ED393293 On the Use of Composition To Enhance the Study of Chinese Characters 1
ED393294 Student-Teacher Dialogue Journals as a Tool for Developing Interactional Ability. Tesi di Laurea in Lingua Inglese 1
ED393295 Esperanto Studies : An Overview. Esperanto Document 43A / 1
ED393296 Current Developments in Proficiency Evaluation for African Languages 1
ED393297 When English Is the Foreign Language 1
ED393298 English as a Second Language Instructors Preservice and Inservice Training / 1
ED393299 What Should American-Born Chinese Children Learn? 1
ED393300 Working Papers in Educational Linguistics. Volume 11, Number 2 1
ED393301 The Role of Language of Thought in Foreign Language Learning 1
ED393302 UG Accessibility in Second Language Acquisition Re-examining the Binding Parameter / 1
ED393303 Helping Philippe Constructions of a Computer-Assisted Language Learning Environment / 1
ED393304 "Could You Calm Down More?" Requests and Korean ESL Learners / 1
ED393305 Can Negotiation Provide a Context for Learning Syntax in a Second Language? 1
ED393306 Da Que Hablar 1
ED393307 Second Language Learning and Use Strategies Clarifying the Issues. Research Report. Revised Version / 1