Shattering the Glass Ceiling. Issues and Solutions in Promoting the Advancement of Women and Minorities to Executive Management in Corporate America. White Paper 1966 |
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Educational Reform Movements and Their Influence on Vocational-Technical Education in Taiwan |
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Managing Vocational Education and Training in Central and Eastern European Countries. Report of a Programme on the Training of Researchers in the Management of Vocational Education and Training. IIEP Research and Studies Programme. The Development of Human Resources New Trends in Technical and Vocational Education / |
1 |
Thinking Systems The First Step to Becoming a Learning Organization / |
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Building School-to-Work Transition Systems in Eight States. Final Report |
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The Challenge of Linking Plans for School-to-Work Opportunity Systems. Fourth in a Series on School-to-Work Implementation |
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Ensuring All Students Access to School-to-Work Opportunity Systems in the States. Fifth in a Series on School-to-Work Implementation |
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As Teachers Tell It Implementing All Aspects of the Industry. The Case Studies. [Volume One] / |
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As Teachers Tell It Implementing All Aspects of the Industry. Supporting Materials. [Volume Two.] / |
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Junior College Students' Work-based Experiences in Taiwan |
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Human Development across the Lifespan. A Pilot Intergenerational Project in Three Pennsylvania School Districts. Final Evaluation |
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Teachers and Trainers in Vocational Training. Volume 1 Germany, Spain, France and the United Kingdom / |
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Teachers and Trainers in Vocational Training. Volume 2 Italy, Ireland and Portugal / |
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Remuneration of Graduates, as at 1 July 1994. Engineer, Architect and Related Occupations = Vergoeding van Gegradueerdes, soos op 1 Julie 1994. Ingenieur, Argitek en Verwante Beroepe |
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Remuneration of Graduates, as at 1 July 1994. Natural, Computer and Agricultural Science Occupations = Vergoeding van Gegradueerdes, soos op 1 Julie 1994. Natuur-, Rekenaar- en Landbouwetenskapberoepe |
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Remuneration of Graduates, as at 1 July 1994. Medical and Health Science Occupations = Vergoeding van Gegradueerdes, soos op 1 Julie 1994. Mediese en Gesondheidsdiensberoepe |
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Remuneration of Graduates, as at 1 July 1994. Education Occupations = Vergoeding van Gegradueerdes, soos op 1 Julie 1994. Onderwysberoepe |
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Remuneration of Graduates, as at 1 July 1994. Human Resources, Financial, and Economic Occupations = Vergoeding van Gegradueerdes, soos op 1 Julie 1994. Menslike Hulpbronne, Finansiele en Ekonomiese Beroepe |
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Remuneration of Graduates, as at 1 July 1994. Legal, Religious, Social Science, Humanities and Related Occupations = Vergoeding van Gegradueerdes, soos op 1 Julie 1994. Regs-, Godsdiens-, Sosiaal- en Verwante Geesteswetenskaplike Beroepe |
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Remuneration of Graduates, as at 1 July 1994. Managerial and Administrative Occupations = Vergoeding van Gegradueerdes, soos op 1 Julie 1994. Bestuurs- en Administratiewe Beroepe |
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