Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED416396 Teacher Internships in School-to-Work. Resource Bulletin 1
ED416397 Qualifications with a Dual Orientation towards Employment and Higher Education. A Collaborative Investigation of Selected Issues in Seven European Countries. INTEQUAL Report II 1
ED416398 Benchmarking New Designs for the Two-Year Institution of Higher Education 1
ED416399 Why Haven't I Heard from You? Evoking the Voices of Adult Learners through Transformative Teaching / 1
ED416400 Building Bridges to Tomorrow in Business and Marketing Education. Atlantic Coast Business and Marketing Education Conference Proceedings (15th, Raleigh, North Carolina, February 20-21, 1998) 1
ED416401 Adult Career Counseling Center, Fourteenth Annual Report, September 1996-June 1997. Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems and Career Counseling Services 1
ED416402 The Agony and the Ecstasy of Adult Learning Faculty Learning Computer Technology. What Lessons Can We Learn from These Experiences? / 1
ED416403 Teacher Preparation for Workplace Skill Instruction 1
ED416404 Toward a Challenging Future A Practitioner's Guide for Student Career Exploration in New York State / 1
ED416405 Bridging the Gap between Vocational and Academic Teachers The Combined Initial Teacher Education Experiment of Agder College, Norway / 1
ED416406 The Impact of Receiving a General Equivalency Diploma while Incarcerated on the Rate of Recidivism 1
ED416407 The State of Literacy in America Estimates at the Local, State, and National Levels. 1
ED416408 Exemplary Worksite Learning Programs Preparing Students for the 21st Century / 1
ED416409 A Model for Preparing Automotive Technicians Training for a Qualified Workforce / 1
ED416410 Turning Students into Employees The School-to-Work Payoff. 1
ED416413 Implementation Possibility for Engineering Technology in Taiwan's Senior High Schools 1
ED416414 An Introduction to Human Resource Development in Taiwan, R.O.C. = Jong Hwa Min Gwo Ren Li Tz Yuan Fa Jaan Jyan Jieh 1
ED416415 Ideas That Work in ABE Family Literacy 1
ED416416 Ways of Learning Weekend 1
ED416417 Patterns of Enterprise Flexibility IAB Establishment Panel Results, Western Germany, 1993-95 / 1