Report on the State Plan To Reduce the Dropout Rate, 1997-99 |
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Cooperation, Conflict Resolution, and School Violence A Systems Approach. Choices Briefs Number 5 / |
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High School Inputs and Labor Market Outcomes for Male Workers in Their Mid-Thirties New Data and New Estimates from Wisconsin / |
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Sources of Support and Income Inequality among America's Children. Discussion Papers Assessing the New Federalism An Urban Institute Program To Assess Changing Social Policies / |
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Child Care Assistance under Welfare Reform Early Responses by the States. Occasional Paper Number 15. Assessing the New Federalism: An Urban Institute Program To Assess Changing Social Policies / |
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From the Courthouse to the Schoolhouse Making Successful Transitions. Juvenile Justice Bulletin / |
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Profile of State Prisoners under Age 18, 1985-97. Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report |
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Conflict and Convergence Race, Public Opinion and Political Behavior in Massachusetts. The University of Massachusetts McCormack Institute Poll. An Occasional Paper / |
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"I'd Like To Go to Harvard but I Don't Know Where It Is" Bridging the Gap between Reality and Dreams for Adolescent African American Girls / |
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On Inclusion and the Other Kids Here's What Research Shows So Far about Inclusion's Effect on Nondisabled Students. On Point...Brief Discussions of Critical Issues in Urban Education / |
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Restoring Communities within the Context of the Metropolis Neighborhood Revitalization at the Millennium / |
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How Are They Managing? A Six Month Retrospective of Cuyahoga County Families Leaving Welfare. Fourth Quarter of 1998 and First Quarter of 1999 / |
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Cross-Age Teaching. Youth in Action Bulletin, Number 6 |
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The Number of Child Care Arrangements Used by Children under Five Variation across the States. No. B-12. Assessing the New Federalism: An Urban Institute Program To Assess Changing Social Policies / |
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The Hours That Children under Five Spend in Child Care Variation across the States. No. B-8. Assessing the New Federalism: An Urban Institute Program To Assess Changing Social Policies / |
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Child Care Arrangements for Children under Five Variation across States. No. B-7. Assessing the New Federalism: An Urban Institute Program To Assess Changing Social Policies / |
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Social Support, Academic Press, and Student Achievement A View from the Middle Grades in Chicago. Improving Chicago's Schools. A Report of the Chicago Annenberg Research Project / |
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Setting the Pace Opportunities To Learn in Chicago's Elementary Schools. Improving Chicago's Schools / |
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It's about Time Opportunities To Learn in Chicago's Elementary Schools. Improving Chicago's Schools / |
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Resources in Education (RIE). Volume 35, Number 9 |
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