Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED465029 Getting Started on Assessment Developing a Voluntary System of Assessment and Certification Based on Skill Standards. 1
ED465030 An Introduction to the Use of Skill Standards and Certifications in WIA Programs, 2002 1
ED465031 Learning Stories in Narrative Biographical Research 1
ED465032 Creativity and Democratic Governance. Adult Learning A Strategic Choice. Proceedings of the ICAE World Assembly (6th, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, August 9-12, 2001) = Creativite et Gouvernance Democratique. L'apprentissage des Adultes: Un Choix Strategique. Actes de la Assemblee Mondiale du CIEA (6th, Ocho Rios, Jamaique, 9 au 12 aout 2001) = Creatividad y Gobernabilidad Democratica. Educacion de Adultos: Una Eleccion Estrategica. Actas de la Asamblea Mundial del ICAE (6th, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, Agosto 9-12, 2001) / 1
ED465033 Course Taking, Test Preparation, and Career Academy Programs Findings from a Field Study / 1
ED465034 An Evaluability Assessment of the Toyota Families in Schools Program 1
ED465035 Jobs First Final Report on Connecticut's Welfare Reform Initiative. Summary Report / 1
ED465036 Making Work Pay for Public Housing Residents Financial-Incentive Designs at Six Jobs-Plus Demonstration Sites / 1
ED465037 Matching Applicants with Services Initial Assessments in the Milwaukee County W-2 Program / 1
ED465038 Opening Doors to Earning Credentials Impressions of Community College Access and Retention from Low-Wage Workers / 1
ED465039 Problem-Based Teaching and Learning in Technology Education 1
ED465042 Work Programme, 2002 1
ED465043 How New Is the "New Employment Contract?" Evidence from North American Pay Practices 1
ED465044 What Is Happening to Training? What the ABS Training Surveys Tell Us. Working Paper / 1
ED465045 Critical Perspectives on Mentoring Trends and Issues. Information Series / 1
ED465046 Low Wage Workers in Today's Economy Strategies for Productivity and Opportunity. Draft Policy Statement. 1
ED465047 Andragogy in Color 1
ED465048 The Seeds of Social Change from Denmark 1
ED465049 Attracting New Learners International Evidence and Practice / 1
ED465050 Closer by Degrees The Past, Present and Future of Higher Education in Further Education Colleges / 1