Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED469291 An Experimental Study of the Effects of Considerate Curricula in Language Arts on Reading Comprehension and Writing. Research Report 1
ED469292 The Effects of Curriculum Maps and Guiding Questions on the Test Performance of Adolescents with Learning Disabilities. Research Report 1
ED469293 The Effects of an Intensive Reading Intervention on the Decoding Skills of High School Students with Reading Deficits. Research Report 1
ED469294 The Role of Paraprofessionals in Special Education [and] Paperwork in Special Education [and] General Education Teachers' Role in Special Education [and] Preschool Special Education Teachers. SPeNSE Fact Sheets 1
ED469295 College Knowledge What Latino Parents Need To Know and Why They Don't Know It / 1
ED469296 The Sonoma Case of Cristofer Barajas 1
ED469297 Effective Standards-Based Practices for Native American Students A Review of Research Literature / 1
ED469298 The Ones the Law Forgot Children Working in Agriculture / 1
ED469299 The Kentucky Education Reform Act A Comparison of Equity & Adequacy Outcomes in Kentucky between Plaintiff & Non-Plaintiff School Districts / 1
ED469300 PREL Pacific Region Language Cards 1
ED469301 Evaluacion entre colegas profesores (Peer Review of Teachers) 1
ED469302 Contratos de rendimiento para administradores (Performance Contracts for Administrators) 1
ED469303 Igualdad y suficiencia en las finanzas de la educacion (Equity and Adequacy in Educational Finance) 1
ED469304 Haciendo que los colegios se hagan responsables por el logro (Holding Schools Accountable for Achievement) 1
ED469305 Asignacion presupuestaria determinada en los colegios (School-Based Budgeting) 1
ED469306 Los fundamentos de la seguridad escolar (The Fundamentals of School Security) 1
ED469307 Buscando un director (Conducting a Principal Search) 1
ED469308 Abuso sexual por parte de los empleados del colegio (Sexual Misconduct by School Employees) 1
ED469309 Para llegar a ser un administrador tecnologicamente competente (Becoming a Technologically Savvy Administrator) 1
ED469310 Capitalizando en los cursos pequenos (Capitalizing on Small Class Size) 1