Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED469663 Online Strategies for the Physical Education Classroom 1
ED469664 Revitalizing Advisory Committees and DACUM through the Web 1
ED469665 An Evaluation of Tennessee's Performance Funding Policy at Walters State Community College 1
ED469666 Developing a Hybrid Tutoring Model in an Urban Community College 1
ED469667 CCBA Beacon, 2000 1
ED469668 CCBA Beacon, 2001 1
ED469669 The Cognitive Tools of Children's Imagination 1
ED469670 Work-Related Child-Care Centres in Canada, 2001 = Les garderies en milieu de travail au Canada, 2001 1
ED469671 Language Is the Key A Program for Building Language and Literacy. "Talking and Books" [and]"Talking and Play" Resource Guide [with Videotapes] / 1
ED469672 Hunger Doesn't Take a Vacation Summer Nutrition Status Report. 1
ED469673 Assessment of Child Care Quality in Four Counties in Minnesota. Technical Report 1
ED469674 School-Age Care Tool Kit A Guide for Measuring the Needs in Your Community. 1
ED469675 Children Losing Health Coverage. Special Report. Revised 1
ED469677 A Guide for Parents and Families about What Your Kindergartner Should Be Learning in School This Year. Don't Fail Your Children = Una Guia para los Padres y Familias Acerca de Lo Que Su Hijo de Jardin Infantil (Kindergarten) Debe Aprender en la Escuela Este Ano. No Le Falle a Sus Hijos 1
ED469678 A Guide for Parents and Families about What Your 1st Grader Should Be Learning in School This Year. Don't Fail Your Children = Una Guia para los Padres y Familias Acerca de Lo Que Su Hijo de 1er Grado Debe Aprender en la Escuela Este Ano. No Le Falle a Sus Hijos 1
ED469679 A Guide for Parents and Families about What Your 2nd Grader Should Be Learning in School This Year. Don't Fail Your Children = Una Guia para los Padres y Familias Acerca de Lo Que Su Hijo de 2do Grado Debe Aprender en la Escuela Este Ano. No Le Falle a Sus Hijos 1
ED469680 A Guide for Parents and Families about What Your 3rd Grader Should Be Learning in School This Year. Don't Fail Your Children = Una Guia para los Padres y Familias Acerca de Lo Que Su Hijo de 3er Grado Debe Aprender en la Escuela Este Ano. No Le Falle a Sus Hijos 1
ED469681 A Guide for Parents and Families about What Your 4th Grader Should Be Learning in School This Year. Don't Fail Your Children = Una Guia para los Padres y Familias Acerca de Lo Que Su Hijo de 4to Grado Debe Aprender en la Escuela Este Ano. No Le Falle a Sus Hijos 1
ED469682 A Guide for Parents and Families about What Your 5th Grader Should Be Learning in School This Year. Don't Fail Your Children = Una Guia para los Padres y Familias Acerca de Lo Que Su Hijo de 5to Grado Debe Aprender en la Escuela Este Ano. No Le Falle a Sus Hijos 1
ED469683 A Guide for Parents and Families about What Your 6th Grader Should Be Learning in School This Year. Don't Fail Your Children = Una Guia para los Padres y Familias Acerca de Lo Que Su Hijo de 6to Grado Debe Aprender en la Escuela Este Ano. No Le Falle a Sus Hijos 1